
Round Rotti, often referred to as “Roti” or “Chapati,” is a traditional unleavened flatbread that is widely consumed in South Asian cuisines, including Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi. It’s a staple food that accompanies a variety of dishes like curries, lentils, and vegetables.

Here’s a simple recipe for making round roti:


  • 2 cups whole wheat flour (atta)
  • Water, as needed
  • Salt, to taste
  • Ghee or oil, for cooking


  1. Prepare the Dough:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine the whole wheat flour and a pinch of salt.
    • Gradually add water and knead the mixture to form a smooth, elastic dough. The consistency should be soft but not sticky.
  2. Divide the Dough:
    • Divide the dough into small portions, each roughly the size of a golf ball.
  3. Shape into Rounds:
    • Take one portion of the dough and roll it between your palms to form a smooth ball. Then, flatten it into a disc.
    • Using a rolling pin, roll out the disc into a thin, round shape. You can dust the rolling surface with a bit of flour to prevent sticking.
  4. Cook the Roti:
    • Heat a griddle or a flat pan over medium heat.
    • Place the rolled-out roti onto the hot surface. Cook for about 30 seconds to 1 minute until you see bubbles starting to form on the surface.
  5. Flip and Cook:
    • Flip the roti and cook the other side. You can press down gently with a spatula to encourage it to puff up.
  6. Apply Ghee or Oil (Optional):
    • If desired, brush the roti with ghee or oil on both sides during the cooking process. This adds flavor and helps keep the roti soft.
  7. Repeat:
    • Repeat the process with the remaining portions of dough.
  8. Serve:
    • Serve the round roti warm with your favorite curry, dal, or any side dish.

Round roti is a versatile and nutritious bread that complements a wide range of dishes. Its simplicity makes it a popular choice for everyday meals, and it’s often enjoyed as a staple in South Asian households.



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